Deceased Identified in Juneau County
At approximately 3:54 p.m. today, 06/04/2019, the Juneau County Sheriff’s Office responded to a welfare check on a 49 year old male from Illinois that stemmed from an Attempt to Locate by the Adams County Sheriff’s Office. The 49 year old male was located in the Town of Armenia/Petenwell Lake. The investigation is ongoing and identification is pending notification of family members.
The Juneau County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by Wisconsin State Patrol, Sauk County Sheriff’s Office, Adams County Sheriff’s Office, Juneau County Medical Examiner’s Office, Wisconsin DCI (Division of Criminal Investigations), Necedah Fire, Nekoosa Ambulance and Armenia First Responders.
The deceased is identified as Christopher Gatz, age 49, of Yorkville, IL. Foul play is not suspected in the incident.
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