Cement Trucks Hits Back of Pickup Truck; Two Injured
Two people were injured in a two vehicle crash that occurred on Highway 27 near County Highway X in the Township of Leon Thursday morning. Monroe County Sheriff Scott Perkins said at first the call was of a cement truck that had over turned at that location. Further calls indicated that a pickup truck had been involved in crash as well and there were possible injuries. Perkins said further investigation of the crash indicates that both vehicles, a pickup truck, driven by 60-year-old Sandra Thompson, and a cement truck owned by River City Ready Mix and being operated by 26 year old Jonathan Genske, were travelling north on Hwy 27. Thompson’s vehicle slowed to make a left turn on to county Hwy X when it was struck by Genske’s Cement Truck. The cement truck then overturned, and came to rest blocking the highway. Both drivers were transported to area hospitals for non-life threatening injuries. Due to the crash, Hwy 27 was completely closed for approximately 1 hour and restricted to 1 lane of traffic until approximately 2:00pm. Assisting the Sheriff’s Office were Sparta Ambulance, Wisconsin State Patrol, Monroe County Highway Dept, Sparta Area Fire District and the Monroe County 911 Communications Center. The crash remains under investigation by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.
Source: WRJC.com
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