82 Percent Favor Federal Funds For Wisconsin Medicaid
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (04/30/2015) – A study, designed to determine how many Wisconsinites think Governor Scott Walker should accept federal money to fund Medicare in the state, indicates 82 percent say, yes. Wisconsin is one of several states that have chosen not to expand Medicaid with federal funds offered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Congressional Representative Ron Kind (D), La Crosse, WI.
“Over 82% of respondents agreed that Medicaid expansion is good for Wisconsin,” Ron Kind said.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R).
Of those favoring Medicaid expansion:31% said they favor it because Medicaid expansion will provide quality, affordable health coverage to over 150,000 Wisconsinites.
31% said they favor it because it is irresponsible to refuse $345 million in federal funds when Wisconsin faces a $2 billion budget shortfall.
22% said they favor it because the federal funding will go to other states if Wisconsin does not expand Medicaid.
15% said they favor it because Republican Governors across the country have taken federal Medicaid expansion support
U.S. House Representative Kind sent Governor Walker a letter calling on him to accept the federal Medicaid funding.
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