Zimmerman, Pete John, age 83, of Friendship

Pete John Zimmerman, 83 died peacefully on November 1, 2017 at his home surrounded by his loved ones after a brave battle with cancer.
A Celebration of Life will be held at the VFW in Adams Wisconsin from 1-4 PM on Sunday, November 12, 2017.
Pete was born in Beloit, Wisconsin to Paul and Caroline Zimmerman.  He was united in marriage to Mary (Kelley) in 1974 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
After his retirement, Pete enjoyed fishing, golfing, hunting, home remodeling, and cheering for the Badgers, Cubs and Bears.
He is survived by his wife Mary Zimmerman; his 5 children Christopher (Jacqueline) Zimmerman, Caroline Brungraber, Paul Zimmerman, Robin (Jim) Cook, and Mark Zimmerman; his sister Pauline (Chuck) Christiansen.  Further survived by his 8 grand children and his great grand children.
Pete will be greatly missed by his friends and family.
Visit www.roseberrys.com to send condolences to the family.

Source: WRJC.com

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