Wonewoc Man Honored By WI State Assembly for Heroism

The Wisconsin State Assembly honored Patrick Shore of Wonewoc as a Hometown Hero. Representative Tony Kurtz nominated Pat for this award for his selfless and heroic actions that saved a neighbor’s life.

Pat made local news in January of this year after he heard a cry for help when delivering a package and found an elderly woman who had fallen in a nearby creek. She had been laying on the ground, cold and wet, calling for help for over forty five minutes. Since her legs had gone numb from the cold, he picked her up, carried her to her home and called for emergency medical services. This wasn’t the first time he has gone above and beyond to help a neighbor.

Pat has been a delivery driver for UPS for 40 years- his dedication to our communities shows every day, but he’s also never hesitated to go above and beyond the call of duty. He is the perfect example of a hometown hero, and very deserving of this recognition.

Pat, his family, and several of his UPS colleagues joined Rep. Kurtz in Madison Wednesday for the award presentation- Thank you all for making the trip!

Source: WRJC.com

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