Wisconsin Produces 55-60 Percent Of U. S. Cranberries
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (9292014) [COMMERCE] – It’s cranberry harvesting season again in Wisconsin. According to the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association (WSCGA), between 55 percent and 60 percent of the nation’s crop is produced by the 235 growers and about 275 cranberry farms in the Badger State.
The most recent U.S. Department of Agriculture cranberry crop report, issued Aug. 15, showed that Wisconsin is expected to have 4.5 million 100-pound barrels this year. The national projection is estimated at between 7.2 Million and 7.68 Million 100-pound barrels.
According to a University of Wisconsin report, Wisconsin’s cranberry industry has an annual economic impact on the state of around $300 million and supports approximately 3,400 jobs from its 21,000 acres of cranberries grown in 20 counties in central and northern Wisconsin.
WSCGA is a member-based organization designed to cultivate Wisconsin’s cranberry industry and support its growers through useful educational resources, responsible environmental stewardship, sound governmental policies and effective public communications.
Founded in 1887, WSCGA is committed to developing and implementing programs that assist growers in doing a better job of growing cranberries and strengthening public support for cranberry growing in the state.
The U.S. Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC), which is part of the USDA, has been marketing cranberries in other countries since 1999, specifically focusing on Western Europe, Australia, Mexico, South Korea and others. CMC has also been focusing on growing markets in Russia and mainland China, along with exploring emerging markets in India and Brazil.
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