Village of Necedah Residents Advised to Boil Water Used for Drinking and Cooking
At approximately 12:30 AM on Saturday, July 15, 2017, the Village of Necedah Water Utility experienced a problem with the water system. The problem allowed the water level in the tower and the reservoir to drop resulting in a loss of pressure in the distribution system to the point that the Department of Natural Resources requires a “boil water” notice to be issued. The problem that caused the pressure drop in water distribution system was related to failure of the automated communication equipment.
Although the water pressure was restored to normal operating pressure, the pressure loss may have allowed groundwater or other contaminants to enter the distribution system. While there is no evidence this has occurred, the “boil water” notice is a precautionary measure until samples can be taken to verify the safety of the water system.
All water used for drinking, food preparation, and ice should be boiled at a full rolling boil for at least one minute, as a safety precaution, prior to use. Ice or any beverages prepared with unboiled tap water should be discarded.
Sampling will be conducted over the next several days to confirm the water system is in a safe condition. The “boil water” notice will be lifted once the sampling is complete and the tests confirm the water system is in a safe condition. The Village of Necedah Utility Personnel will work closely with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to resolve the problem. Utility employees will be flushing the distribution system and increasing the chlorination dosage rate.
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