Top 100 Business Trainer Josh Tolley Returns to Juneau County
Syndicated talk show host Josh Tolley will be a guest speaker at the Juneau County Inventors and Entrepreneurs Club meeting on July 27th. He will be sharing how to “Grow Past Fear & Failure.” For well over a decade now, Tolley has been helping businesses from start-ups to major corporations make the adjustments to move from failing to successful. The I&E Club invites businesses and the public to join them at this meeting. For more information on the club, contact Terry Whipple at 608-427-2070.
About Tolley:
Josh Tolley is a syndicated radio talk show host with listeners in all fifty states and one hundred and fifty nations. He has been seen on national and international television talking about subjects ranging from business to politics. His book, “Quit Your Job or Die: Discover the Importance of Self-Employment” has changed lives, and he is ranked as one of the Top 100 business trainers in the world. As a leading business/behavioral strategist he has developed systems which are revolutionizing human interaction.
About the presentation:
Talking about starting a business or launching your invention is fun and exciting, but at some point you have to pull the trigger and really do it! That is when things get scary real fast. As things progress and you experience failures and finance challenges the fear can be stifling, zapping your confidence and creativity. You will be motivated and better prepared for challenges of entrepreneurship. Join the I&E Club as we prepare and repair our lives for success as an entrepreneur!
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