Tomah Man Receives Life-Threatening Injuries After Falling Out of Truck Bed

A Tomah man suffered life-threatening injuries after falling out the bed of a pickup truck. Monroe County Sheriff Scott Perkins said early Friday, they has received a call from Tomah Memorial Hospital reference to a subject that had fallen out of a pickup truck. Perkins said a truck driven by 21-year-old Dylan Kobel of rural Tomah was eastbound on Highway 16 by Hawthorne Road when a passenger, 23-year-old  Dustin Yenter, who was riding in the bed of the pickup truck fell out striking his head on the pavement. Yenter was taken by private vehicle to Tomah Memorial Hospital then transferred to a La Crosse Hospital with life-threatening injuries. Alcohol is believed to be a factor in this accident.  Matter is still under investigation by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and Wisconsin State Patrol.


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