Summer Projects Update at Royall School Board Meeting
The Royall School Board got an update on the summer projects that had been going on in the district. At its meeting on Monday night, Director of Maintenance Tim Marshall said the elementary school roof will be 100% at the end of this week, and the windows will be installed August 14th and will be ready for the start of school. Marshall said the high school gym floor, stage, the HVAC, and curtains were finished and the bleachers will be installed after the first week of volleyball in August. The band room is almost complete, a little more painting is needed because they took out another unit from the wall. The rooftop unit with heat and air conditioning is finished. With the cement projects, Marshall said they’re still not there yet, and he may have to pull some projects from this year and wait till next year to complete them. Superintendent Mark Gruen suggested having an open house on the night of the first volleyball game so that people could come and see the improvements that were done, but it depends on what other events will be happening that day.
The board also had an update on the Leave Donation Bank. Gruen said they have a procedure in place that could be part of the handbook. Gruen said that out of the Personnel meeting came the suggestion that if this become part of board policy there should be some verbage under sick leave about administrative discretion. He said this is so that they don’t have a leave donation procedure that gives a better benefit to someone out of days than to someone who has days. The topic was tabled till next month.
Before the update, the school board approved the resignations of: Speech and Language Pathologist Stephanie Bortz, Food Service Director Jennifer Jennings, and Elementary Paraprofessional Tammy Thorson. The board also approved the 2017-2018 Academic Standards, 2017-2018 Co-Curricular positions, as well as a 2017-2018 Youth Options new application.
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