Royall School District Approves Proposed 2017-2018 Tax Levy at Annual Meeting
The Royall School District had its annual meeting on Monday night, where voters listened to a presentation of the district’s budget for the 2017-2018 school year. Business Manager Jeff Lankey said the tax levy is down about 4.4 percent this year and that is with a proposed two percent increase in property values. The voters approved the 2017-2018 Tax Levy at $2,316,047, of which $1,700,000 will go towards to the operation of Fund 10, $376,425 to go to the Debt Service Fund 39, $221,622 to go to Debt Service Fund 38, and $18,000 to go to the Community Service Fund 80. The final dollar amounts will be approved at a board meeting after October 23, at which time, they will have received the final dollar amounts from the Department of Public Instruction.
Voters this year decided to give the Royall sc hool board members a raise in their salaries for the 2017-2018 school year. There was a $200 raise bringing the salaries to $1,100 for the president, clerk, and the treasurer and $1,000 for the vice president and director.
They also authorized the district to provide transportation, authorized the Board of Education to hire legal counsel; authorized the board to sell real property, personal property, and equipment no longer needed; authorized the board to borrow money on short-term loans within the fiscal year; authorized reimbursement expenses of school board members at the current IRS rate; authorized the district to offer student insurance; authorized the district to offer the breakfast and lunch program; authorized the district to allow non-resident students, not enrolled through open enrollment to attend Royall at the tuition rate set by state statues; and authorized the school board to establish the time and date of the annual meeting for the fourth Monday in September 2018 at 6:30pm.
After the annual meeting, the Royall School Board held its monthly meeting. The board approved a mental health services contract with Gundersen . Superintendent Mark Gruen said the movement of the state is for more help with students and their mental health issues. Gruen said there is a potential to have some mental health services done on site. The cost would be around $3,000 if all slots are filled when the provider is on site. The board also set the December meeting on December 18th at 6pm, and approved hiring a cross country assistant coach for middle school and high school, a middle school wrestling assistant coach, and approved co-curricular positions.
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