Rep. Brooks Authors Bill to Enhance Wisconsin’s Workforce

Following the adoption of several Rural Wisconsin Initiative health care bills in the budget, legislators have introduced four bills to boost the state’s workforce. One of the bills proposed is authored by 50th Assembly District Representative Ed Brooks. LRB 2330 would have the creation of rural opportunity zone, which would include a repayment incentive of up to $25,000 or 40% of a new resident’s student loans, provided the new resident maintains a full time job, avoids public assistance, has a post-secondary degree, and settles in a county that fits the Federal OMB’s definition of rural. Brooks said maintaining the current population alone is not enough to reverse the population stagnation trend in rural Wisconsin. The state must also attract young workers from out of state.

The other bills in the RWI package include:

  • LRB 0486 would allow students to earn credit toward an apprenticeship for work completed during high school
  • LRB 2115 enables school districts to exceed revenue caps commensurate with investments made in capital infrastructure used in technical education (such as welding machines)
  • LRB 5038 creates a tax deduction for certain apprenticeship tuition expenses

To learn more about the Rural Wisconsin Initiative, visit


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