Randy Bryce – Challenger mostly on target with claim that Paul Ryan has gone 600 days without a town hall meeting
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Challenger mostly on target with claim that Paul Ryan has gone 600 days without a town hall meeting
One of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s 2018 challengers has risen to prominence with a flurry of media interviews, a viral campaign launch video and a quick influx of small-dollar donations. In one of those interviews, Democrat Randy Bryce claimed Ryan, a Republican from Janesville, doesn’t face his constituents. Bryce, an ironworker, appeared July 9, 2017, on WISN-TV’s "Upfront with Mike Gousha," where he claimed "Paul Ryan has not had a public town hall within the district for over 600 days." With Republicans facing feisty constituents at town hall meetings across the country, has Ryan really not held such …
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Source: Politifacts.com
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