Preliminary Total of 52 Wisconsin Traffic Deaths Last Month
According to preliminary data from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), the 52 traffic-related deaths recorded last month make it tied with 2009 as the safest August along Wisconsin roadways since World War II. A total of 57 traffic deaths occurred in Wisconsin in August of last year and the five-year average for the month is 62.
Through the first eight months of this year, a total of 396 people have died in Wisconsin traffic crashes including 58 motorcyclists, 42 pedestrians and three bicyclists. Traffic deaths through August were four more compared to last year. The deadliest August occurred in 1969 with 154 fatalities – the single worst month for traffic deaths in Wisconsin history. Over the recent Labor Day weekend in Wisconsin, a preliminary total of three people lost their lives in traffic crashes compared to six over the same holiday period last year.
“In coming weeks, many motorcyclists will be heading out for fall rides around the state,” said David Pabst, Director of WisDOT’s Bureau of Transportation Safety. “We’re asking drivers to share the road and look twice for motorcycles especially at intersections, when making turns and changing lanes. Motorcyclists can do their part by wearing protective and visible clothing and gear, including a helmet. Tragically, about three out of four motorcyclists who died in crashes last year in Wisconsin were not wearing helmets.”
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