Paul Ryan – Paul Ryan: 35% corporate tax rate keeps $3 trillion in 'trapped cash' overseas from coming to U.S.
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Paul Ryan: 35% corporate tax rate keeps $3 trillion in ‘trapped cash’ overseas from coming to U.S.
When U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan met with Milwaukee Journal Sentinel staff on Sept. 1, 2017, an editor mentioned major tax cuts adopted under Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1981. At first, Ryan joked around. "The music was bad in those days, and the tax laws were as well," he replied, chuckling. "So, I think — I’m not a big ‘80s music guy; I’m more of a ‘70s guy." But the 47-year-old Janesville Republican quickly got serious. Arguing that U.S. taxes are stopping U.S.-based multinational corporations from bringing giant sums of money to America, he stated: We've …
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