New Lisbon School Board Gets Good News About Pupil Count

The New Lisbon School Board received positive news about the school’s pupil count at its Monday night meeting. Superintendent Dennis Birr said the number of students living in the district went up by 32 this year. The number of residents with open enrollment is 630, and Birr said that’s people who live in the district regardless of where they attend school. On open enrollment, 112 students open enrolled into the district, while 69 enrolled out, leaving a plus of 43 students. Birr said it was interesting that the first few years on that, the numbers were very consistent, then all of a sudden in the last four years, they were still consistent but at a much higher level. There are currently 59 students enrolled in 4K, and Birr said that’s a good sign for the district’s future. Right now, there are 671 students in the building, but the full time equivalent of students is 615 students. That’s because 4K and early childhood is pro-rated at .6, and it is also including numbers from summer school. Birr said this all helps with the district’s revenue limits. He said they will have the data sorted out and what it means financially at the board’s next meeting.

School board members were able to meet Lindsey Wagner, the new Kindergarten teacher, during Celebrate New Lisbon. Then, they approved choir and band trips to Dorian and FFA trip to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. They also approved the hiring Tommy Miles as the Varsity Baseball Coach.


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