New Lisbon Man Being Charged after Domestic Dispute on June 23rd
A 23 year old New Lisbon man is facing multiple charges after an incident occurred on June 23rd. Authorities reported to Baders Villa Estate East that day for a possible on going disturbance. Authorities talked to a female victim who said her and Mychael Hill had go into an argument and it turned physical. According to the criminal complaint she told Hill to leave the residence or she would call the police. Hill became angry, according to her, and kicked in the front door and bear hugged the victim throwing her onto a couch. He also took her phone and threw it outside according to the victim. Hill later called authorities and turned himself in. He denies laying a hand on the victim or throwing her phone. Hill is facing charges of Intimidate Victim/Damage Property, Felony Bail Jumping, Criminal Damage to Property, and Disorderly Conduct.
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