MBMC Now Fully Operational with Exception of Elevator

Good morning from Mile Bluff!  We want to let you know that although we are working through a few minor issues from yesterday’s power outage, patient care has not been interrupted as a result of the storms.  Everyone in our facility was kept safe last night, and we are fully operational today.  Our staff did an amazing job before, during, and since the storm, to protect our patients and keep Mile Bluff operational.


One issue we want to call your attention to is that the elevator in the Mile Bluff Clinic entryway is out of order.  If you are not able to use the stairs, please come through the main entrance of the medical center.  From there, you can access the clinic main level though internal hallways.  The secondary elevator in the clinic is working, which provides access to UW Specialty Clinic in the lower level, and to our providers in the upper level.


Thank you for your patience and understanding as our teams continue to work through the cleanup and repairs caused by yesterday’s storms.  Our entire team is working hard to ensure you are safe, and that you will receive the same excellent care you’ve come to expect from Mile Bluff.


Source: WRJC.com

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