Mauston Woman Jailed on Drug Charges
A Mauston woman is facing multiple charges including Possession of THC, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Possession/Illegally Obtained Prescription. A Juneau County Deputy spotted a vehicle driving in Lyndon Station and recognized the passenger as 35 year old Jessica Wandersee, who was known to have a probation warrant out for her arrest. The deputy was able to make contact with the vehicle and Wandersee was placed in the back seat of a squad car. The K9 unit was brought in to do a sniff of the vehicle. The K9 unit alerted the authorities that illegal drugs were inside. The driver then became upset and said none of the drugs inside were his. They had him empty his pockets and he pulled out a gem bag that he claimed was Wandersees. Wandersee was taken to the Juneau County Jail and became upset stating all the drugs were the drivers. Authorities were able to find clonidine inside Wandersee’s purse.
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