Mauston School Board Gets Update on Track and Field Project
The Mauston School Board got an update on the Community Track and Field Project at its regular board meeting Monday night. Superintendent Christine Weymouth said they are finishing up the latex coating on the track and long jump area. Then, there are mounds of dirt that needs to be flatten and seeded by the entryway. The fence is all around the track and the gates will be installed soon. Weymouth said the bleachers have been secured and there will be the inspection of them soon. She said the Campus Fields and Property & Transportation Community approved an asphalt pathway to go around the track to the visiting team bleachers. It would be paid for out of the maintenance fund. This is to limit casual walking on the track. Weymouth said they have discussed limited games on the field this year, just so there is a good foundation of grass growing. In addition, Weymouth said that Rettler, Inc., is donating tarps that can be placed on the field prior to a storm to protect the field.
The board also received the annual report of the school district nurses. Tammy Heath and Raquel Larson presented to the board on things they are currently working on as well as goals for the 2017-2018 school year, which include starting more educational training for staff and provide monthly health education articles for parents, use SKYWARD more and increase the immunization compliance.
The board then set the date for a special school board meeting for the approval of the budget for publication for August 7. The Annual District meeting is August 28 and will be in the Grayside Commons.
Other items the board took action on:
- The board also approved several personnel items. Board members accepted the resignations of Amanda Brice and Sara Jeisy. They also approved the hirings pf Mike Stoughtenger as Olson Middle School Science teacher; Rebecca Carvalho as Olson Middle School Music; and Amanda Yonvers as Olson Middle School Spanish.
- The board approved a donation of $2,000 from Brett Kudick and family to the Mauston Track and Field program for the purchase of a base camp shelter.
- Members approved the academic standards for the 2017-2018 school year.
- The board authorized Superintendent Weymouth to approve late summer contracts
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