Matt Flynn – Are wages under Scott Walker less than under Jim Doyle, as Democrat for governor Matt Flynn says?
The Truth-o-Meter says: Half-True | Are wages under Scott Walker less than under Jim Doyle, as Democrat for governor Matt Flynn says?
The day before Gov. Scott Walker made his re-election run official, Matt Flynn issued a pre-emptive strike, comparing the two-term Republican unfavorably to another two-term Wisconsin governor, Democrat Jim Doyle. "Scott Walker’s time is up," was how Flynn, a Democrat running in the 2018 race for governor, began his Nov. 4, 2017 news release. "Average wages, when adjusted for inflation, are lower today than they were under Jim Doyle." Walker, who has been governor since 2011, has used a number of economic statistics to argue that things are better than they were under <a …
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