Legislative committee OKs bill banning UW abortions

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A legislative committee has approved a Republican bill barring University of Wisconsin doctors from performing abortions and training residents in how to perform abortions at Planned Parenthood. Wisconsin law blocks spending public dollars on elective abortions. But the UW medical school has to train residents in performing abortions to maintain accreditation. The school has an agreement with Planned Parenthood that calls for that organization to pay UW doctors to perform abortions and train residents in abortions at its Madison clinic. Rep. Andre Jacque’s bill would prohibit UW employees from performing abortions as well as training others or receiving abortion training anywhere other than a hospital. The Senate’s health committee approved the bill 3-2 Thursday. Both Democrats on the panel voted against the measure. Approval clears the way for a full Senate vote.

Source: WRJC.com

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