Lake Wisconsin Water Habitat Improvement Project Grants Available

Qualifying entities have until January 5, 2018, to apply for grants from the Prairie du Sac Dam Aquatic Resources Enhancement Fund. The fund will provide monies for 2018-2019 projects focused on improving the waters of the Lake Wisconsin basin. The grants are for governmental units, conservation and river management groups, and educational institutions.

“It’s important to be good stewards of Lake Wisconsin so everyone can continue to enjoy it and the surrounding waters for many years to come,” said Amanda Blank, Alliant Energy’s site manager for Hydroelectric and Gas Generation. “The construction of our Prairie du Sac Dam over 100 years ago gave birth to the lake, and there has been a synergy between the two ever since.”

Projects eligible for financial support include aquatic studies and research, water quality enhancements, and habitat mitigation and enhancement. Projects must be located between State Highway 12 and the tailrace of the Castle Rock Dam, including tributaries of the Wisconsin River, such as the Baraboo River.

The River Alliance of Wisconsin, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will select the projects that will receive grants. Requests should not exceed $50,000 per year for a maximum of two years. The grant awards will be announced in spring 2018.

For more information on the fund and to obtain grant application materials, visit



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