Kevin Nicholson – Ex-Democrat and GOP Senate hopeful Kevin Nicholson: Ronald Reagan was a Democrat until his mid-50s
The Truth-o-Meter says: True | Ex-Democrat and GOP Senate hopeful Kevin Nicholson: Ronald Reagan was a Democrat until his mid-50s
President Ronald W. Reagan is regarded by many as the founder of the modern conservative movement, and experts cite his continuing influence on generations of Republicans. "Without a doubt, he is the most influential American conservative of the 20th and yes, even into the 21st century," said Craig Shirley, a historian and author of four books on Reagan and the first Reagan Scholar at Eureka College (Reagan’s alma mater), where he taught a course titled "Reagan 101." Reagan was elected in 1980 and left office in January of 1989. That means about 38% of the people in the …
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