Juneau County Health Officer, Amanda Dederich, hereby issues the following advisory to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Juneau County Health Department encourages community leaders, business owners, and residents, over the age of 2, to wear a mask at all times when indoors in a public setting*. All masks should cover the nose and mouth and rest snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the faces.  Wisconsin has the fourth highest COVID-19 positivity rate in the United States. Furthermore, Juneau County currently has the highest case activity in Wisconsin and has reported 6 COVID-19 deaths this week bringing the number of total number of Juneau County deaths to 31. Healthcare systems are overwhelmed locally and throughout the state and it will take everyone doing their part to get through this surge.   In addition to masking in indoor public places, please consider the following measures:

  • Get vaccinated – anyone over the age of 5 years old is eligible.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Maintain at least 6 feet between you and non-household members.
  • Limit gatherings.
  • Wash your hands frequently. Please visit the Juneau County Emergency Information Page for the latest on COVID-19 in Juneau County: https://www.co.juneau.wi.gov/emergency-information.html *This advisory does not apply in cases where an individual is actively performing an activity that cannot be done while wearing a face covering such as sleeping; eating or drinking, practicing or playing a competitive sport; or performing (playing musing, delivering a speech to an audience seated at least six feet away, or acting in a theater).

Source: WRJC.com

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