Juneau County Board of Supervisors Receive 2016 Audit Report
The Juneau County Board of Supervisors received the 2016 audit report on the county finances at its meeting Tuesday morning. Melanie Lendowsky of Johnson Block & Co. said the scope of the audit included all funds and activities of Juneau County. She also said they will comment on several matters such as small dollar variances on main checking accounts, clean-up of old outstanding checks, and SACWIS trust reconciliation with the state. For the 2016 fiscal year, the county had a total of over $10 million in its fund balance. The fund balance for health services had a $1.5 million deficit for the 2016 fiscal year. Lendowsky said that it may require a transfer from the general fund in the future and that it is something that the county will need to keep an eye on so it doesn’t get out of control. The county board approved the report unanimously.
The county board then heard from UW-Extension Assistant Dean Matt Hanson and Area Extension Director Jay Dampier. Hanson said UW-Extension has spent the last year working internally working out how the model will work, and he said the model is going to have local staffing much like in the past if the county chooses to continue with that. With the new model, the UW-Extension employee model would have a flat rate based on the employee’s position and not the individual. Judy Kennedy, Juneau County’s 4-H Youth Development Agent, told the county board they suggested keeping the model as it is in 2018 because if it were to downsizing, it would be harder in future years to request that position back. Supervisor Jerry Niles said that the county has to think before spending additional funds in the 2018 budget.
Other items the county board took action on during its meeting:
- Approved the tax settlement with school districts, vocational school districts, municipalities, state, and the Trout Lake District
- Approved an ordinance establishing temporary work zone speed limits in Juneau County
- Approved an amendment to the Juneau County Personnel Policy, creating a new Nepotism/Dating and Fraternization Policy
- Authorized the hiring of a full-time SAFE Program Coordinator as a Community Health Educator, provided that the position is fully paid for by funds from a Drug-Free Communities Support Program Grant
- Approved and authorized the Adams-Juneau EDA Resiliency Project
- Approved the Revolving Loan Fund to Hall’s Business Entity
Source: WRJC.com
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