Hillsboro Fall Clean-Up Day

City of Hillsboro Fall Cleanup

Saturday, October 7th – 7:30AM to 11:30AM



City of Hillsboro Public Works Building

1056 Crest Avenue

Dumpsters will be available for the disposal of the following items:

Freon Containing Appliances (refrigerator, freezers, A/C units, dehumidifiers)                   $10.00 / item

Automotive Tires (no rim – Limit of 8 tires per resident)                                                      No Charge

Large Truck Tires (Limit of 8 tires per resident)                                                                     $5.00 / tire

Television and Computer Monitors                                                                                       $10.00 / item

White Goods (washer, dryers, stoves, etc.)                                                                           $10.00 / item

Miscellaneous Electronics (VCR’s, satellite receivers, stereos, microwaves, etc.)                $10.00 / item

Participation in the annual cleanup is limited to City of Hillsboro residents only.

Items not accepted include, but are not limited to:

Paints, Cleaners, Antifreeze, Medical Waste, Herbicides, Pesticides

Tickets may be pre-purchased at City Hall prior to the date of the cleanup. Payment may also be made the day of the cleanup.

Please contact City Hall at (608)489-2521 with any questions or if you need any assistance hauling your items to the drop site.

Disposal Services Provided by:Vernon County Solid Waste & Recycling Department

Source: WRJC.com

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