The 4th Of July Birthday and Warm Parental Feelings
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (07/06/2015) [GARYTALK by Gary Morgan] – The 4th of July weekend is the time for millions of citizens of the United States, young and old, rich and poor, near and far, famous and ordinary, male and female, north and south, of many ancestral backgrounds and colors of skin, to celebrate the Independence of the United States of America.
No matter where U.S. citizens are located, it should be, and is, traditionally a grand weekend to celebrate, not only the birth of the USA, but the country, itself, of which they are a citizen, and the Freedoms we citizens enjoy. It is more than a Holiday. It should also be a reminder that all that we United States citizens enjoy must not be just accepted as a given.
Our Freedoms and way of life, in order to continue as such, is the responsibility of everyone to sustain it, protect it, and cherish it. We can do that in several ways.
First, we can pay attention to what’s going on in our country, news-wise, keep track of how our politicians and courts sometimes want to alter the course of events, if we let them. We, as responsible people, must, individually, not just get our news from one source that sometimes narrows our view to the exclusion of common sense.
We can exercise our right to vote to make change happen, or to preserve what we have. Politicians should represent us and protect our way of life, not try to eat away at our Freedoms and alter our country’s direction. That is ultimately our responsibility. It is true that we each, as citizens of this great country, do make a difference through our vote, but, we must vote. That’s where the course of the White House and Congress, and, yes, the Supreme Court, begins.
It was our nation’s Birthday Party, a momentous occasion, to be sure, but, for me, it was just as importantly, or possibly, more so, the weekend to spend quality time with my son. We, he and I, always spend as many valuable moments as we can with each other, and sharing the 4th of July, Independence Day, jubilant fireworks-watching extravaganza, together, made the weekend even more enjoyable and meaningful.
My middle-aged son was almost born on the 4th of July over four and a half decades ago. Being with him this 4th of July Weekend was a time of reflection on, not only what the United States means to me and my son, but, to the circumstances surrounding how he got to the point where he and I would enjoy the celebration together, as two adults.
As your child becomes a little older, and, they usually do, faster than we like: As you spend time with them during the 4th of July Weekend, or some other Holiday, wonder at your children who are now adults: How did they get so wise, so funny, so warm, so loving, so kind? Wonder at them as they, perhaps, become an even better person than you were or ever thought you could be.
Marvel too, as they compliment you by saying they owe all they are to you. You try to believe it; you hope that it’s true; that you loved them so, and hoped that some of what you taught them would stick, because, you loved them and wanted them to be genuinely nice, gentle, strong, wonderful human beings.
Then, you realize for the umpteenth time, it did stick. For, how could they be so wise, so funny, so warm, so loving and kind, if it was not for you and their mother’s loving guidance? That is what you both hoped for as you guided them through their youthful years. Now, it seems, your purpose was served well.
What a wonderful day and 4th of July Weekend it was. As you looked upon him; looked in those mirthful eyes, sharing a laugh, in between somber, sincere conversation, you realized anew, this is a good and wise man, who, you are proud to call your son. I wish for all parents that you could be as lucky as I.
Well, this rambling has become more than intended at the start, so, I will leave you with a wish for all parents, everywhere, that you could be as lucky as I, be it your son or daughter. Teach them well; with humor, warmth, love, and kindness; teach them what is right, and, I know it sounds corny, but, teach them to be, all they can be, and should be.
Teach them to be warm, funny, tender, kind, loving, gentle, wonderful human beings. Then hope that some of it sticks, and, you too, can step back a bit to revel in the person before you, who was once the tiny baby whose little feet and fingers were more precious to you than words can ever say. You loved him; you wanted the best for him; and, here he is. Wow, you think, as you reflect on your relationship with your child, now an adult. How well things worked out.
Gary W. Morgan is a retired, over-the-air radio broadcaster and newspaper person, involved in news, entertainment, and advertising, from the mid 1960s until the end of the 20th Century. He retired in the year 2000 to represent people in the Wisconsin Legislature. However, it didn’t work out as hoped. He lost the Assembly Primary and turned to other methods of career fulfillment. Since 2002, Gary has been editing and writing articles for (, featuring news about People, Places, Politics, Events and Activities. Gary also programs the music on Internet Radio, playing and streaming Classic Hit Oldies from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 1990s, and the best of the 2000s, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In his spare time he is also webmaster for several other internet websites.
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