Fort McCoy will host its annual Retiree Appreciation Day from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 7, giving military Retirees a chance to catch up with one another and learn more about their benefits.
“The Army conducts Retiree Appreciation Days annually to demonstrate its continuing appreciation for retired Soldiers’ past service to the nation and to foster their support for the Army, its current Soldiers, and their Families,” Retirement Services Officer Mitzi Hinton said.
The Fort McCoy Retirement Services Office puts on six Retiree Appreciation Days in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, and Illinois in order to reach as many retired Soldiers, Families, and survivors as possible.
“Each of the Retiree Appreciation Days are supported by an awesome group of volunteers better known as the Fort McCoy Retiree Area Councils. I have a total of nine area councils that help me to conduct each of the RADs,” Hinton said. “Without them, it would be impossible to successfully manage such a large number of RADs.”
Retirees from all branches of military service are welcome to attend. The event features guest speakers and sessions covering updates to retiree benefits and Army programs from 8 a.m. to noon in building 905. A benefits fair is also held from noon to 3 p.m. at Rumpel Fitness Center, building 1122.
“More than 40 service organizations are expected to attend the afternoon benefits fair, including Tricare, the Social Security Administration, and Defense Finance and Accounting Service,” Hinton said.
Advance registration is strongly recommended for Retiree Appreciation Day. For more information, call 800-452-0923.
The Fort McCoy Commemorative Area, which is next door to building 905, will be open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for retirees who want to include something recreational during their visit.
“It gives the veterans something to do if they want to skip a particular session,” Public Affairs Specialist Theresa Fitzgerald said. “Some of them may have served here, and those who didn’t still like to look at the Army artifacts. It’s a trip down memory lane.”
The Commemorative Area features Veterans Memorial Plaza, which pays homage to those who have served in American conflicts since 1909; the Equipment Park, featuring more than 70 pieces of military equipment; and six World War II-era buildings filled with historical artifacts from Fort McCoy’s 109-year history.
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