Fatal Car vs Semi Accident in Juneau County

There was a fatal accident in Juneau County Monday evening around 5:30pm. According to the accident report, 71-year-old Gillian Danko of Mauston was traveling east on County Road O and was stopped at the stop sign at the intersection of Highway 58 and O in the Town of Lindina. She hand motioned for a vehicle on O traveling westbound stopped at the stop sign to make a turn on Highway 58. When the vehicle did not go, Danko proceeded forward from the stop sign and failed to yield to a semi that was southbound on Highway 58. The semi struck Danko’s vehicle on the driver’s side, causing the vehicle to roll onto its roof in the ditch. The driver of the semi, 51-year-old Dale Burton of Iowa, told officials that he tried to avoid Danko’s vehicle, but was unable to. Officials say Danko was killed in the crash. Burton had possible injuries but was not medically transported.

Source: WRJC.com

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