Ex-Head of Tomah VA Allowed to Resign, Given Settlement
TOMAH, Wis. (AP) — The former head of the Tomah VA Medical Center was allowed to resign and given a settlement after allegations that painkillers were being overprescribed to patients. Mario DeSanctis was fired from the hospital in 2015. But a USA Today investigation found he fought his dismissal and reached a deal in which he was allowed to resign. He and his attorney were paid $163,000. The Tomah VA hospital was rocked in January 2015 by reports of inappropriate dosages of narcotic pain killers and retaliation against employees who questioned the practice. DeSanctis did not return a phone message left by The Associated Press on Thursday. Jason Simcakoski was a Marine who died in 2014 from a fatal combination of drugs. His widow, Heather Simcakoski, told the La Crosse Tribune the settlement was “really disappointing.”
Source: WRJC.com
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