COVID-19 vaccination of Mile Bluff Patients Included in Phase 1B Begins Tuesday

On Tuesday, January 26, Mile Bluff will begin vaccinating its patients who are included in phase 1B of COVID-19 vaccine distribution.  This will be done by appointment only; and appointments will be made when patients receive a direct call from a member of the Mile Bluff team.  There is not a waiting list or sign-up sheet, so patients are asked not to call about the vaccine at this time.

Mile Bluff receives shipments of the vaccine each week.  As doses arrive, the team will reach out to patients based on the quantity of vaccines that are allotted to the medical center.  It is expected to take two to three months complete phase 1B, as there are nearly 7,000 Mile Bluff patients who fall into this group.

If you have a primary care provider outside of the Mile Bluff system, you are encouraged to look into how your provider is vaccinating patients.  If you do not have a primary care provider, your local health department can help you.

As you wait for your opportunity to be vaccinated, you are encouraged to continue to wash your hands regularly, practice social distancing, wear a mask, and keep your social circles small.

For up-to-date information about COVID-19 testing and vaccine distribution, please visit


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