Club for Growth – Conservative group says Senate hopeful Leah Vukmir cost taxpayers $15,000 in open records fight
The Truth-o-Meter says: True | Conservative group says Senate hopeful Leah Vukmir cost taxpayers $15,000 in open records fight
The Club for Growth, a national conservative anti-tax group, released an attack ad against Republican U.S. Senate hopeful state Sen. Leah Vukmir. The video states that Vukmir: "Claimed the open records law didn't apply to her, got sued, lost and cost taxpayers $15,000 in legal fees." There’s no doubt that Vukmir was sued in a 2014 lawsuit. But does the ad really capture the whole story? Turns out, much of what the CFG claims in the ad launched in July is easily backed up by evidence in the 2014 case. Vukmir’s 2014 lawsuit The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) …
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