Walker Asks FEMA to Conduct Storm Damage Assessment

Governor Scott Walker requested the Federal Emergency Management Agency conduct preliminary damage assessments next week in three southeast Wisconsin counties hit hard by flooding earlier this month. Source: WisconsinAgConnection.com News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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Sean Duffy – Duffy on track on claim of 1,000-seat pickup by GOP since Obamacare

The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Duffy on track on claim of 1,000-seat pickup by GOP since Obamacare In discussing Republican efforts to implement President Donald Trump’s agenda, U.S.  Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) blamed the U.S. Senate’s filibuster rule for preventing Trump’s agenda from being passed into law. "Get rid of the filibuster rule’’ Duffy said July 17, 2017 on Fox News Channel’s "Fox & Friends" show.  "(Then) you only need 51 votes." Then, the congressman went further: "We’ve won a thousand seats since Obamacare," he said. "The American people want us to accomplish this agenda, and we’re not getting it done because of stupid Senate rules." Duffy also made

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