Mauston Varsity Cross Country Results from Thursday 9/7/17
The MHS CC teams competed at the 2017 Red Hawk Invite hosted by G-E-T High school on Thursday SeptemBer 7th… THe race was held on the Etterick Golf Corse in Etterick Wisconsin..It is a challenging course with undulating terrain but lots of long straight aways so the runners can really unhooked it and go, They really like this course” commented Coach DeVoe The girls varsity earn invite runner up honors placing 2nd to West Salem. It was an extremely close race as West Salem edged MHS for the championship by just 2 points,,62-64…Medalists for the girls varsity,,,Journey Malacina 3rd, Anna Boppart 5th,Grace Hammer 14th and Mya Scully 15th. The balance
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