Improperly installed furnace linked to deaths in Sawyer County home

The deaths of a couple and their grandson may have been caused by an improperly installed furnace. The victims were found Sunday at a home in the village of Radisson in Sawyer County. They were identified as 61-year-old Steven Ryan, 60-year-old Carolyn Rindahl, and their four-year-old grandson. Sheriff Doug Mrotek said the furnace in question […] Source: News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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No trick, all treat

Third Space releases its first In the Spirit series barrel-aged beer. It’s a “candy bar porter” called Haunted Barrel. Source: News At Other State Sites: [wp-rss-aggregator source=”87908,87904,713,696,676″]

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Walker assembles familiar campaign re-election team

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Gov. Scott Walker’s re-election team contains familiar long-time advisers, including a target in the John Doe criminal investigation that looked into campaign fundraising during the 2012 recall election. Walker announced key campaign leadership and staff positions Tuesday. Walker’s campaign chairman will once again be longtime confidante and former Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Michael Grebe. Milwaukee businessman Jon Hammes will be Walker’s campaign finance chairman. Walker’s senior strategic adviser will be R.J. Johnson, who held the same role in Walker’s first run in 2010, the recall and his 2014 re-election bid. The Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2015 declared none of the fundraising activity Johnson and others were

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