Boppart Wins Black River Falls Invite for Mauston Cross Country

The MHS cross country teams competed at the 2021 BRF Invite held at the Skyline Golf Course on Tuesday October 5th..The boys varsity team raced to a second place finish out of nine teams.tHe team scores for the top 5 teams:  West Salem 38, MAUSTON 66, Ellsworth 87,Chippewa Valley Bolts 123 and Stanley-Boyd 131. MHS runner, Eli Boppart won the 5k race in a time of 16:31. Sophomore Tyler Schwartz was also a medalist with his 8th place finish. 

The MHS girls CCteam raced to a 4th place finish led by meadlists Elle Horn 7th place and sophomore Morgan Firlus placing 14th.  The girls team scores:  West Salem 37, Mosinee 43, Durand 72, MAUSTON 110 and Ellsworth 143.


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