Tomah 16U Legion Uses Scenic Bluffs/Dairyland Conference Players for Regional Victory

The Tomah American Legion 16U baseball team won its first regional game defeating Holmen 7-2 Thursday evening.  Royall’s Gunnar Wopat got the win on the mound for Tomah pitching 3innings giving up just 1run on 1hit while striking out 5 and walking only 1.  Gunnar also went 2×4 at the plate with an RBI.  TJ Shramek went 4×4 at the plate for Tomah and also got the last two outs of the game via a pair of strikeouts.  Tomah led just 2-1 going into the 6th inning but a clutch 2 out hit by Brookwood’s Cam Brueggeman extended Tomah’s lead to 3-1 and would be enough for the Tomah pitching trio of Wopat, Braedyn Pasch, and TJ Shramek.  Tomah will continue in the double elimination tournament trying to vie for a state tournament appearance in Waupun. 


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