Mauston City Admin Finalist for Same Position in Menomonie

Current Mauston City Administrator Randall Reeg has been announced as one of four finalists for the City of Menomonie City Administrator position.  Reeg met with Menomonie citizens Wednesday night as part of a meet in greet conducted by the city and its four finalists. Menomonie’s current City Administrator Lowell Prange is retiring at the end of this month.  Menomonie originally had 19 applicants apply for the position and have narrowed it down to the final four.   More interviews are expected to be made during tonight’s meeting in Menomonie an official hiring is expected to me made by March 20th.   Reeg has served as the Mauston City Administrator since October of 2018; he previously served as City Administrator for the communities of Thorp and Necedah. 


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