Byers, Janice May Age 64 of Friendship

Janice May Byers was born in Peoria, Illinois on June 9, 1958 and died on December 31, 2022.

Janice grew up in Waukegan, Illinois and graduated from Waukegan High School in 1976. She worked as an executive secretary for the Lake County Department of Court Services for 34 years, from 1984 until her retirement in 2018. She moved to Friendship, Wisconsin in 2019 after having built her dream log home. While in Waukegan, she attended Prince of Peace Lutheran Church where she volunteered several years as the arts & crafts teacher for Vacation Bible School and was the secretary of the LWML Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. In Wisconsin she joined Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, where she was elected as the LWML Zone 14 secretary, member of Fellowship Committee and assisted the Financial Committee.

She loved caring for her pets, gardening, reading, cooking and various hand crafting. Throughout the years she donated numerous handmade crafts to several organizations.

She is survived by 3 sisters: Karen Byers, Marcia (Byers) Julian and Nancy Mason; nieces and nephews; Colin Marc Byers, Donald Paul Julian, Erin (Julian) Beake, Hugh Francis O’Donnell IV, and Hannah Wilson Figgins; grandnephew Chase Beake, grandnieces Zoe Beake and Kiernan O’Donnell. She was preceded in death by her parents Paul Byers and Alice Byers.

Janice’s memorial service will take place at a time to be determined in late winter or early spring.


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