City Moratorium Could Impact Sale of Two Sisters Event Center

The Purchase of Two Sister’s Event Center in Mauston by Joe’s Sober Living may not happen as planned due to a Moratorium that could be set in place by the City of Mauston.  A statement from City Administrator Randy Reeg explains: 


The moratorium was not about any one potential project.  The rationale behind the moratorium is that the City of Mauston has been planning for a significant focus on downtown revitalization for at least two years.  The plan for a downtown TIF District has been in place, and was simply awaiting the closure of the two active districts that the City already had to create capacity for a new one.  Contracts for the development of this TIF District were executed well before any project was pending at the former Two Sisters building.  Additionally, with the closure of the two aforementioned TIF Districts, the City of Mauston will have a fairly large fund available for affordable housing development.  We’ll be releasing an RFQ for a housing study soon, and this study should help guide future data-driven, informed decisions about the housing needs of the community.  And finally, beginning during 2021 and continuing throughout 2022, we are in the process of reviewing and revising our Zoning Code.  This moratorium is designed to give the City of Mauston time to finish these three large endeavors that will drive the revitalization of our downtown, and determine if any boardinghouses–regardless of who lives in them–belong in the Central Business District.


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