Important Events At Reedsburg Area Medical Center

     There are few certainties in life. One of those certainties is that each one of us will one day pass on. For many, this is a difficult subject to talk or think about.  On April 22, RAMC is inviting you to have a conversation.

     From 9am-1pm on Friday, April 22, RAMC’s Board Room (located inside the hospital) will be open to everyone who wants to learn more about Advance Directives or to complete one, free of charge. Please note that attendees will be asked COVID screening questions upon entrance and masks are required inside the building.

    An Advance Directive is a document that communicates your wishes about healthcare if you are not able. It names someone who would make healthcare decisions for you.  It helps you have conversations with your loved ones about what kind of treatments you would or would not want as you near the end-of-life. Staff will be available to answer your questions and help you fill out the document.

     Also on Friday, April 22, RAMC will also have a flag-raising ceremony at 10:30am in front of the hospital to acknowledge Pause to Give Life. This activity is part of National Donate Life Month. It is an effort to bring the spotlight to the importance of organ donation. This ceremony will be taking place at hospitals all over the state that day. If you want to be a registered organ donor, go to  to sign up.


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