Reinen, Bonnie L. Age 74 of Mauston

Bonnie L. Reinen 74 of Madison passed away Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at St. Mary’s Care Center in Madison.

She was born on April 25, 1947, in Mauston, Wi at the Mauston Hospital.  Her parents are Geraldine Stanton and Emil Finkbeiner.  She was married to Dennis Reinen from Sun Prairie on July 1st, 1967, at the home of Reverend Milton Wilson.

She was a proud member of the National Wildlife Federation.  Bonnie graduated with her diploma from Mauston High School in May 1965.

She proudly worked for the USDA in the FSIS (Food Safety & Inspection Service) department and loved her job.

She dearly loved spending time with her new grandson Alex, watching the food network, playing games on her tablet and knitting. She always found a reason to donate money to any wildlife foundation.

Bonnie is survived by her two sons, Jody & Greg, granddaughter Nichole, grandsons Shawn & Ali Reinen, Cory & Larissa Reinen and great grandson Alex.

She was preceded in death by her stepfather and mother, Clarence & Geraldine Stanton.

Funeral services will be held at Crandall Funeral Home In Mauston, WI on March 2nd, 2022 at 1pm. This is a private service, but friends and family are welcome and encouraged to attend.   We will be holding a private visitation for the family prior to the ceremony.

Bonnie will be buried at the Mauston Cemetery where she will be with her mother and stepfather.

For online condolences please go to


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