Panthers Drop Heart Breaker to Kickapoo in Westby GBB Tournament

The Royall Panther girls basketball team suffered their first loss of the season Monday at the Westby Holiday Tournament in heart breaking fashion.  The Kickapoo Panthers Jayla Nagel buried a three pointer with 3.2 seconds remaining to lift Kickapoo over Royall 48-46.  Royall led much of the game before Nagel got hot for Kickapoo scoring a game high 25 points, including 3 late three pointers down the stretch.  Royall was led by Cailey Simons who had a team high 13 points.  Royall drops to 8-1 Kickapoo improves to 10-1 on the season.


Other scores from Monday in Girls Basketball

Westby 67 Mauston 7

Westfield 73 Wisconsin Lutheran 26


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