Mia Quist Soars to 1,000kills in Golden Eagles Volleyball Sweep of Adams-Friendship

Mia Quist went over the 1,000 career milestone kill mark Tuesday night in Mauston volleyballs 3-0 sweep over the Adams-Friendship Green Devils.  Mia’s sister Maddi was part of the play feeding setter Erin Cauley who was able to set up Kill number 1,000 for Mia.  Mia’s milestone was the only real drama of the game as the Golden Eagles had no trouble with their Adams County rivals defeating them 25-7, 25-15, and 25-11.  Coach Rachel Oldenburg was able to use everyone on the roster in the victory.  Braison Tate, Kali Lobenstein and Shae Massey were all able to get multiple kills in the Golden Eagles victory.  The win moves Mauston to 7-0 in South Central Conference action and 18-7 overall.  Mauston will travel to Wautoma on Thursday.  If Mauston can defeat the Hornets they would earn at the very least a share of the South Central Conference Championship. 

Source: WRJC.com

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