Juneau County Board Passes 2018 Budget
Juneau County has a new operating budget set for 2018. The budget was passed on Tuesday during the Juneau County Board of Supervisors’ monthly meeting. The department heads met with the Finance and Computer Committee to prepare a budget that met the state’s levy limit law. For 2018, county levies are limited to net new construction. Juneau County’s 2018 construction limit is 2.001 percent, so the county is only permitted to increase its levy by 2.001 percent over the 2017 budget. This budget represents a operating levy dollar increase of $213,182 over 2017. Finance Director Lori Chipman said that the mil rate would be $6.41 per $1,000. The budget includes a one percent increase in January for all employees, excluding elected officials. Also, during the meeting, the budget was amended to add $41,104 to the UW-Extension budget for 2018. There will be a carry over amount of about $23,000 from early retirements, and the rest of the money would come from the contingency fund. During the budget public hearing, seven people spoke in opposition to the proposed 50 percent cut to the UW-Extension, many saying it the cuts go through then many of the programs and services the UW-Extension provides would be limited or eliminated. Before the UW-Extension was looking at cutting two agents from its program, which would have reduce the programs it could provide. This amendment would only cut one agent.
Source: WRJC.com
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