Prescribed Burns Proposed for Quincy Bluff and Wetlands State Natural Area in Adams County
MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is planning to conduct prescribed burning on Quincy Bluff and Wetlands State Natural Area in Adams County in the coming weeks if appropriate weather conditions exist.
Prescribed burning is part of an ongoing effort to preserve and restore the landscape found within DNR properties throughout Wisconsin. These burns reduce leaf litter, improve wildlife habitat, redistribute nutrients and help control invasive species.
The window for conducting prescribed burns is relatively small, due to special weather conditions required. The moisture level of groundcover, wind speed and direction, and relative humidity must be just right for a safe and successful burn. Please note that planned burns may or may not occur, based on these factors.
Prior to any prescribed burns, trained personnel assess the area to determine wind direction and speed, relative humidity, grass moisture and safety requirements. Qualified personnel control fire behavior through the use of comprehensive planning and specialized fire equipment. Local police and fire officials are notified when and where burns will take place.
For more information regarding prescribed burning in Wisconsin, visit and search keywords “prescribed burning.”
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