Lt. Governor Kleefisch Recognizes Rest Area Maintenance Workers, 30-year Anniversary of Rest Area Maintenance Program

Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch stands with employees of Rest Area 10.

During a visit to Rest Area 10 near Mauston Thursday, Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch recognized workers associated with the state’s 30-year-old Rest Area Maintenance (RAM) program.  Since 1987, the RAM program has provided employment opportunities to workers with disabilities who enhance public safety and the state’s tourism industry by handling maintenance duties at Wisconsin’s 30 rest areas and 13 Safety and Weight Enforcement Facilities (SWEF). Kleefisch said it was wonderful to present Governor Scott Walker’s commendation of the program’s anniversary.


“It’s also 30 years of a wonderful relationship between community rehabilitation programs and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, said Kleefisch. “As you can see, this rest area is absolutely spotless and the workers welcomed so many people just in the short time we’ve been here, you know what potential that has for instilling in all of our guests and visitors a feeling of security and feeling of stability, cleanliness, friendliness, and hospitality and that’s the feeling we want to extend to our guests and visitors so they think fondly on their time in Wisconsin.”

Along with overseeing the State Highway System, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) operates rest areas and SWEFs. To handle daily maintenance duties at these facilities, WisDOT has a long-standing partnership with 23 community vocational rehabilitation programs across the state that provide job opportunities to about 350 workers with disabilities. Rehabilitation for Wisconsin oversees the state’s Rest Area Maintenance Program.


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