10-Month-Old Baby in Intensive Care After Near Drowning
Lake Delton police are investigating the near drowning of a 10-month-old in a motel bath tub. On Wednesday, at 7:51pm, officers were dispatched to the Delton Motel, and once on scene, they began resuscitation efforts. The Dells-Delton Ambulance Service arrived and took over patient care. The victim was transported to UW-Madison Hospital, where the child is in intensive care. In a release from the police department, the parents were inside the motel room at the time of the incident, but left the victim and a two year old unattended in the bath tub for unknown amount of time. When mother returned, she found the victim face down in the water. The mother removed the victim from the bath tub and immediately called 911. Detectives are continuing to investigate this incident.
Source: WRJC.com
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