Three Injured in I-90 Crash Friday Morning

Three people were injured in a four vehicle crash on Interstate 90-94 between Lyndon Station and Wisconsin Dells Friday morning.  According to the Wisconsin State Patrol , at 6:10 a.m., a semi unit, driven by a Illinois man, rolled over near mile marker 83 eastbound. In the traffic back up created by the closure, another semi driven by a 48-year-old Chippewa Falls man struck the rear of a third semi, that was being operated by a 48-year-old Tomah man, near mile marker 82 eastbound. The third semi was pushed into the rear of a van that was driven by a 32-year-old Mauston man. The three semi-truck drivers received non-life threatening injuries. The Mauston man was not injured. No names have been released.


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